Understanding Environmental Concerns

3 Tips For Maintaining Your Residential Solar Panels

Using solar energy in your home can benefit you in many ways. First, it can reduce your electricity bills, power large appliances such as the air conditioner, and eliminate inconveniences associated with a power outage. Solar power also reduces your carbon footprint because solar panels don't release greenhouse gas emissions.

However, you need to take care of your panels to get the best out of them. The following are three tips for maintaining your residential solar panels.

1. Cleaning

Since your solar panels are installed on your roof, they are exposed to dust, leaves, debris, and snow. These elements can cover your panel and reduce its efficiency. Although solar panels are made of glass that can withstand many elements, they can scratch when exposed to dirt particles for a long time.

Therefore, it is vital to clean your solar panels periodically to ensure they function optimally. It is easier to clean these panels since all you need is a soft cloth. If you are dealing with stubborn dirt, you can use soapy water to remove the dirt and run a low-pressure hose pipe to rinse. Use a biodegradable soap because harsh chemicals can scratch your panels.

It is advisable to switch off the system before washing to prevent short-circuiting. You can find the instructions on how to turn it off on the manual or hire a solar company to clean and maintain your solar.

2. Routine Inspections

Routine inspections can help you prevent many residential solar problems since you will discover and solve them in time. During inspections, look for signs of water damage, cracks on the glass, and loose connections. Also, check that the light on your inverter is flashing. If it's green, your inverter is working as expected. However, if it turns red or orange, you should call the solar company to examine it and recommend the best solution.

3. Performance Monitoring

Monitoring your solar system's daily performance can help you notice inefficiencies or other problems sooner. Hence, you need to document daily energy output and highlight records of cloudy or rainy days. If you notice inconsistencies, you should get professional help. Some solar panels have a monitoring system that gives results on a wall-mounted display, making work manageable.

Maintaining your residential solar panels can extend their life and prevent costly repairs. However, you should be careful when cleaning and inspecting your panels to avoid accidents. If you don't have the right tools and skills, it is best to hire experts.