Understanding Environmental Concerns

Stay In Compliance With Codes By Having Your Grease Trap Maintained By A Professional

Your new restaurant will generate a lot of grease, and it can be a problem if you don't handle and remove it properly. Grease is notorious for clogging drains, and it has a bad smell once it gets old. To prevent these problems, you should hire a grease trap cleaning and removal company to keep your restaurant's grease trap in good shape. Here's an overview of the process.

The Trap Is Emptied And Cleaned On A Set Schedule

Grease traps are usually regulated by local codes because the city doesn't want grease from your establishment to clog up their sewer lines. Things like the location of the trap, the frequency of pumping, disposal of the grease, and record-keeping may have strict regulations you need to follow if you want to keep your license to operate. This is one reason hiring a service to take care of your grease trap is convenient. They'll always clean it properly and on time. Plus, cleaning out a grease trap is something you probably don't want to do, due to the mess and odor.

The grease is removed, and the walls of the tank are cleaned to get out as much grease as possible. While this seems simple, it's necessary to wear protective equipment such as a respirator and to hand scrape grease off of baffles and the side of the tank. Depending on the trap's location, its contents might be pumped out or bailed out by hand. The contents of the trap include water, grease, and food bits, which can all be difficult to remove if you don't use the right equipment.

The Grease Can Be Recycled

Another reason you want to hire a professional service is so that you have a way to get rid of the grease. You can't throw it into a dumpster, and you may not even be able to take it to the dump without a proper license. An expert collects grease in the truck all day and the legally disposes of it. Some companies even recycle the grease so that it doesn't go to waste. Grease can be filtered and then recycled for use as fuel, and that's the ideal way to remove grease from your restaurant rather than just sending it to a disposal site.

All of this work requires documentation for the health inspector when they visit your restaurant, and the service will provide you with records of their work, so you're always in compliance. Even if you're allowed to clean your own grease trap, it's usually worth it to let a professional handle the job so you can avoid a disastrous backup in your restaurant, and so you stay within local codes. Paying a grease removal company could save you money in the long run by helping avoid fines and plumbing emergencies.

For more information, contact a company like Tierra Environmental & Industrial Services.